Friday 13 March 2015

March 12 and 2weeks In

Well today was the day that the dreaded lose of hair came.  The bangs I so strategical kept have started to come out in handfuls.

While I knew this day was coming and  I tried to prepare myself as much as possible it did hit me like a tonne of bricks.  This sicken feeling came across me and made me feel weak in the legs.  I started to feel extremely fragile and had no energy.  This feeling was the feeling I would have expected when I was told I had Stage 2, Grade 3 Inductal lobe carcaroma , but No it took my hair to start fallen out to make this journey a reality.

Today, March 12 exactly 3 months to the day since I was told I had breast cancer was The Day  that made the diagnosis, all the MRIs and Ct Scans, the lumpectomy and 1st chemo treatment a Reality.

I have had better days and look forward to the next one.

Love to All.  Linda

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