Thursday 5 March 2015

Day seven!

It's been 7 days since my first chemotherapy treatment and I can honestly say I feel like a new person.
I feel hopeful,  I feel that I am able to focus on mySELF without the guilt many mothers and daughters have.  I am free to be me.

The feeling of trying to attend to all the should ofs in my life has only weighed me down and left a feeling not good enough.  Now, I have been giving the license to focus on ME,  my health, my passions and my life.  The travelling 101 has been drilled home to me if I like it or not.  " Put your own mask on first and then help others,  including your own kids.

I am determined to see the very many silverlinings this cancer cloud has bestowed on me and focus on the good and positive things on this journey back to mySELF.  I am committed to finding the silverlinings each day no matter big or small .

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