Wednesday 18 March 2015

March 13- A Better Day for sure!

Definitely a better day.  I came to terms about me hair lose.  I spent a nice afternoon with my sister Heather and felt the connection we once had but was hiding due to life's challenges of each of us.

She treated me to lunch, a hat and dangling earrings.  It was weird but quite warming to be treated by my little sister.  Who would have ever thought.

We laughed trying on different hats and found one that would be appropriate.  The dangling earrings distracted from the fact I was losing my hair.

Once we finished our little excursion we came back and chatted.  It was so nice to feel that connection and closeness we once had.

Today's silver lining my relationship with my little sister has started to be rekindled.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Friday 13 March 2015

March 12 and 2weeks In

Well today was the day that the dreaded lose of hair came.  The bangs I so strategical kept have started to come out in handfuls.

While I knew this day was coming and  I tried to prepare myself as much as possible it did hit me like a tonne of bricks.  This sicken feeling came across me and made me feel weak in the legs.  I started to feel extremely fragile and had no energy.  This feeling was the feeling I would have expected when I was told I had Stage 2, Grade 3 Inductal lobe carcaroma , but No it took my hair to start fallen out to make this journey a reality.

Today, March 12 exactly 3 months to the day since I was told I had breast cancer was The Day  that made the diagnosis, all the MRIs and Ct Scans, the lumpectomy and 1st chemo treatment a Reality.

I have had better days and look forward to the next one.

Love to All.  Linda

Thursday 5 March 2015

Day seven!

It's been 7 days since my first chemotherapy treatment and I can honestly say I feel like a new person.
I feel hopeful,  I feel that I am able to focus on mySELF without the guilt many mothers and daughters have.  I am free to be me.

The feeling of trying to attend to all the should ofs in my life has only weighed me down and left a feeling not good enough.  Now, I have been giving the license to focus on ME,  my health, my passions and my life.  The travelling 101 has been drilled home to me if I like it or not.  " Put your own mask on first and then help others,  including your own kids.

I am determined to see the very many silverlinings this cancer cloud has bestowed on me and focus on the good and positive things on this journey back to mySELF.  I am committed to finding the silverlinings each day no matter big or small .